The 5 Paragraph Blog: Those First Steps

Steps…what the heck? Yup, I am talking about walking. My journey (Ha! – see what I did there?) to walking more for health and fitness began when I saw a post from a personal friend of mine regarding her new job. She had gotten a Fitbit and posted how many steps she had taken that week. I recall it was over 15,000 steps for just 1 day- 3 times the amount the average American walks each day. I’d been trying to think of ways to fit in more activity despite being busy and not finding time to actually make it to the gym now that I was frequently stuck at a house caring for an infant…and trying to make sure I did a certain number of steps each day seemed something I could accomplish no matter where I was!

So, I did a little research to find out how many steps was considered “active”. I found that a relatively inactive person does less than 3,000 steps a day, so I thought “I’ll aim for 4,000 so I’m not considered inactive and go from there”. So, because I did not have a Fitbit, I went and downloaded a step app for my phone. I was ready to go! And then I realized a couple things. 1. I don’t always carry my phone around the house, especially if I don’t have a pocket. This meant I was missing out on steps I’d actually done. 2. Making at least 3,000 steps a day while doing Nanny work wasn’t so difficult, but while at home? Sad to say I can tell you of one day where I did under 400 steps. Go ahead and take 400 steps and you will realize how little that is for an entire day.


So, I started looking into the Fitbit idea more and more. Oh, and before you start thinking this is a review or that the links I offer in this post will make me money, they don’t. I did not receive a Fitbit for this post. I simply just found a way to be more active and healthy and wanted to share with you my experience. Perhaps it will motivate you just as seeing my friend’s post motivated me. Anyways, the more I looked into it, the more I liked the idea of something I could wear and not worry about forgetting when I ran up the stairs to get the baby I cared for from a nap or to make a change.

So, there is a wonderful thing about birthdays. You get to tell people what you want for yours! So, I went to my dear hubby and informed him I wanted a Fitbit for my birthday. And yes, for those that know me well, Doctor who was mentioned. I always want Doctor Who stuff, but the Fitbit was top of my list this time! This year my birthday, March 6th, fell on a Monday, so we celebrated it mostly the weekend before and I received my lovely Fitbit Flex 2 from my hubby. My daughter made a big deal of it and said “See, I told you he listened!” He did, indeed.

It will be 2 weeks this weekend since I received my new wonder, and I went from aiming to 4,000, then 8,000, to getting a wee bit competitive using the “Work Day Hustle” challenge feature between my friend and I. Now I’m walking over 15,000 steps every day this week thus far. Made surviving Universal Studios yesterday a breeze! I think I might be OK taking it down a notch this weekend and just try to make sure I move a little every hour and do my usual activity. But, maybe I wont be satisfied if I don’t get in some good walking each day. we shall see.


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