PokemonGo: So much HYPE!

I know there is a lot of HYPE about this game, both positive and negative. I want to be clear that I absolutely condone and support this game!

Pokemon Teams

The negative I’ve run across personally is mostly negated by the fact I always go with a group. I think we ran across one set of people (Blue team) that turned their noses at us because we are Valor, but we just shrugged and moved on. I have seen a lot of bad attitudes in social media between the teams and I view it with some confusion because we are all people playing the same game.

The other negative is when we do go out (and we don’t out every night) we tend to be VERY tired by the time we get home and mornings are a little rougher. Working on timing that part better! I know we will find a happy median that balances playing this game with our responsibilities.

I will cover one more negative outside of the rare instances of accidents, murders, and robberies I am sure you would have read all about: Not everyone is respectful of the location and times they are at. If you are hunting late a night, be considerate. I know we all really want that Pokemon, but if we are to prove to the naysayers we are not all “10-year olds” we have to act with tact, politeness, and awareness of what is going on around us.


Everything else has been mostly positive: A friend we have known for years have now come out with us TWICE the past few days. It’s is really nice catching up with old friends! You will, of course, be making new friends as well playing PokemonGo. Not only that, I have finally been able to share something with my best friend. She has been into Pokemon a long time, because of her kids “she says”. She is a font of knowledge when trying to figure out “What the heck Pokemon is that?!”.

I also got to hang with my nephew, and we all had a really great time with him as well. My husband and I have something neat to share and talk about, which improves our marriage even more. Our sons, who do not really play, have even gone out to walk with us. They stop to look at the sights or swing on the swings in the parks we come across. Family time is a definite positive for PokemonGo.

Pokemon FamilySource

Now, if you are on social media, I am sure you have seen many a meme, especially the first couple days, about sore legs. All those actively playing this game are getting a decent amount (if not more!) of EXERCISE. There is even a meme that mentions everyone should take a “before” picture and then post a follow up every 30 days to show their personal progress in getting into better shape. If this is not a plus to those living in a country that is known for being the most obese country in the world I don’t know what to tell you.

Before and after PokemonGo.pngSource

Finally (and I am sure there are more!), I’ve discovered places in my town that I’ve either never realized existed or forgot about (Been here 40 years now). Taking pictures has be a fun part of this game! I have seen neat murals, amazing buildings, natural and gorgeous spots, and rediscovered the joy of being out on a breezy day along the river’s edge. Being able to get out and go while dragging along the hubby, friends, and family that actually want to join me for PokemonGo has been one of the greatest blessings I’ve had in a long time.

So, yes…I play PokemonGo and I am proud of it.

Some of my favote Christian/family safe music

Some of you may think there is no rock’n christian music out there…and you would be wrong!

It is true, some of the old standbys (And still great) are contemporary or classic, but there is no reason one can not praise God in any and all music styles. here are some of my favorites I have saved to youtube.

Christian Music Kri Likes!

My thoughts on the upcoming MMO Game: WildStar

This video is based on the “almost here!” game called WildStar. The video is pretty clean, so should be safe for the workplace and kids.

The game has a Teen Rating and should be considered carefully before you allow younger children to play it. Mostly, it’s a language issue when compared to other MMOs. It’s pretty cartooney and does not have a dark realistic appearance or true gore. You can probably use language filters to get around the frequent cursing. If your fine with MMOs in general and are concerned with language, then WildStar is fine with language filters from what I saw in open beta.

So…what caused this game to catch my eye? Well, it’s a bit reminiscent of looney toons in it’s “personality” with a dose of adult humor. I consider myself a rather clean person and normally do not seek out any sort of entertainment that is overtly rude when it comes to language and themes. Still, I want a game not geared at a child that is still fun with the option of not dealing with constant profane language. You can achieve this with WildStar in my opinion, just use the usual language filters and choose who you game with as you would any friend. With some consideration and thought.

What are some of the features of this game, anyways? Oh..where does one start?! To take directly from the game website’s latest promotional video :

“WildStar, a deep, sprawling space adventure set on the mysterious planet Nexus. This isn’t just another sci-fi MMO with pretty colors. It’s a completely new frontier. Know what else? The game play is awesome. Plain and simple…

(It continues)…Double jump…epic battles…player housing …lots of customization (look, craft, fight, mounts)…battlegrounds, arenas, and war plots…the ability to level entirely through PVP. Into epic stories? Adventures, group choices, dungeons, and epic raids…”seriously they’ll rip your face off..Hardcore.”

“It is full of mystery, adventure, and pure unadulterated awesome-sauce. the only thing missing is *you*.”

So, there you have it…most of that was straight from their own video with a few edits for space. want to see the video, just go to http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/news/wildstar-features-trailer-is-live/ for the full dialogue.

Life Hacks: Using apps to teach without a lesson plan. Ingress the Game

Life Hacks: Using apps to teach without a lesson plan


This app is just plain FUN.

The premise is your an agent. You belong to one of 2 factions. Are you here to keep humanity free or are you here to control them? You decide.

Once you decide, you take your handy dandy *comm unit* aka..phone..and…WALK. yes, boys and girls, you have to walk. You will be searching for *portals* to *hack* them and other actions for your faction. Portal locations happen to coincide with real historical events or places.

Life Hack#1: Exercise

Life Hack #2: Get to know whatever area you happen to be in.

Life Hack #3: Learn about historical events that have really happened.

Life Hack #4: My nephew came up with this. Metric unit conversion, since the game uses that.

Life Hack # ??: I am sure there could be more.

The trick isn’t that you do anything. You just play the came. This all just sorta part of the experience. Your going to automatically accomplish these things.

So far, it’s on Google Play and android. I believe they are making an apple version. I hope they do just so more people can get out there and Hack Life!

Laughter: A Poem

Laughter: A Poem


It’s the wind at my back
The sun in my face.
It’s the rain on my head
falling as tears on my cheeks.
It’s the laughter in you
that’s become a part of me.

It’s those sunny days
that slow the pace.
It’s the fall of leaves
that blanket the earth.
It’s the love in you
that’s sets me free.

It’s the night as it falls
the stars laying out their sparkling net.
It’s the new sun rising
that brings the dew.
It’s the sadness in you
That fills me with pain.

It’s the sound of singing
the pulse of notes.
It’s the stroke of fingers
across those melodic strings
It’s the sound of your voice
that sets me at ease.

Christina A Chiarillo


Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple Open House

Fort Lauderdale Florida Temple Open House

We took that trip in a van packed with family and good friends. A trip that seemed “meant to be”. The weather…was…perfect. The little girl on the so-called “autism spectrum” was well behaved. The boys kept themselves entertained. My hubby and I had the opportunity to share a great experience together, our friends shared the front as the hubby drove, and my sister and HER hubby joined us for the ride.

Everything went so well. The trip there. The late afternoon picnic at the nearby park. The slightly sleepy trip home. It seemed a blessed time. What else could it have been with 10 people packed in a van for 3 hours, a 1.5 hour tour, and 3 hours packed again on the way back?

Blessed, defiantly.

Baking cakes and pies “Oh My!”

Baking while home schooling can be a little tiring, but oh so worth it! I made the pie, the hubby made the cakes. Isn’t he AWESOME?324Yum!

I’m not exactly sure what triggered my hubby’s interest in baking. It just seems over the years he began to experiment more and more until, suddenly, he was doing it most weeks. I’ve always been the one to cook the dinners for the most part. Cakes, muffins, and what not were things I liked to eat. Not bake!

I discovered there was one thing I liked baking as a treat. Pies. Ironically, I had preferred eating cakes over pies. It wasn’t until the last holiday season that I experimented with them and found out a singular truth. Things taste better when you’ve made them. I now like pies.

I have not stopped at making pies from scratch. I’ve spent a lot more time in the kitchen going beyond the box. Sure, I’ve made plenty of meals using whole foods, but I was still relying on the boxed versions fairly often and it showed. Meal time is a blessing and knowing I made it ALL and that it is being enjoyed by my family as we sit around the table generates a satisfaction that no box could dream of holding.


It helps to have cake or pie for dessert.